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Essence of chicken is a popular health nourishing drink in many countries as it is an effective aid in reducing physical fatigue. And, research has also indicated that essence of chicken broth can relieve mental fatigue as well. Help relieve symptoms of physical and mental fatigue.


「最高の味を作る最高の原料!」 私達は製造所の行列で高い品質管理をしており、強力な技術支援で顧客に一流のサービスを提供しています. 私たちは、相互利益に基づいて明るい未来を創造するために、世界中の友人とより多くの市場を拡大したいと考えています.
Preservation Process:sealed storage
Sterilization:high temperature sterilization without preservatives
Storage:in normal temperature,refrigerate after opening
Shelf life:2 years
Brand:OEM Customer’s Brand
Packaging:Tin can,Carton packaging
PRO date/EXP date:please see on the package


Chicken Essence270gTin Can,Plastic Bag,Carton packaging
Chicken Essence500gTin Can,Plastic Bag,Carton packaging
Chicken Essence1000gTin Can,Plastic Bag,Carton packaging
Chicken Essence1500gTin Can,Plastic Bag,Carton packaging
Chicken Essence2000gTin Can,Plastic Bag,Carton packaging
Chicken Essence3000gTin Can,Plastic Bag,Carton packaging
Chicken Essence5000gTin Can,Plastic Bag,Carton packaging
Chicken EssenceAny Size Can Be CustomizedAny Packaging Can Be Customized





At Tianz Food, we have perfected the traditional production process of Chicken Essence to ensure that our clients receive the highest quality products. Our Chicken Essence is made using only the finest quality chicken meat, which is carefully selected to ensure its freshness and flavor.

Our production process begins with boiling the chicken meat with a blend of herbs and spices in a pot for several hours. This slow cooking process allows for the nutrients and flavors of the chicken to be fully extracted. After boiling, the liquid is carefully strained to remove any impurities, and then the Chicken Essence is extracted through a condensation process. This results in a thick, brownish liquid that is packed with flavor and nutrients.

Our Chicken Essence is highly nutritious and contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B1, B2, B6, and B12, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium. It is also low in fat and cholesterol, making it an excellent ingredient for those looking to maintain a healthy diet.

Chicken Essence is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes. It can be added to soups, stews, sauces, marinades, and gravies to enhance the flavor and nutritional value of the dish. It can also be consumed directly as a health supplement.

We at Tianz Food are committed to providing our clients with customized solutions that meet their specific needs. We offer a range of Chicken Essence products in various packaging sizes, including sachets, jars, and bottles. Our experienced team works closely with our clients to create unique products that cater to different markets and preferences.

Chicken Essence is popular in many Asian countries, including China, Japan, and Korea. It is also gaining popularity in Western countries due to its nutritional benefits and versatility in cooking. With our high-quality Chicken Essence products and customized solutions, we at Tianz Food are excited to share this nutritious and delicious ingredient with the global market.


オフィス住所(輸出): 広州オフィス: ShunJing貿易センター、No.610-611、No.855、南工業大通り、海珠区、広州、中国(本土) 上海オフィス: 上海市浦東新区金薬路1弄333号、アイリッチェン806-807号

工場の住所: 新疆: 新疆省フフホト市けしゅう・せいさん・かがく・かいはつ・くだいち 中国 広州市: 広州市芳村区東沙経済技術開発区紫荊路91号中国 湖北: 湖北省秭歸市西初工業団地、中国

Eメール:[email protected]


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